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  • Breaking News

    Saturday 7 April 2018

    Goodluck Jonathan Congratulates APC Over Electoral Victory


    Former President Goodluck Jonathan has congratulated winner of Sierra Leone’s President election, Brig. Julius Maada Bio (retd) who took charge Thursday as the country’s new leader.
    Bio who contested as the candidate of Sierra Leone People’s Party, SLPP, clinched victory by winning 51.81 percent of the votes in the March 31 run-off while Samura Kamara of the All People’s Congress, APC, won 48.19 percent...

    A statement by Jonathan’s spokesman, Mr. Ikechukwu Eze, said the former President who led the election observation Mission of the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa, (EISA), to Sierra Leone also congratulated the people of Sierra Leone for their peaceful conduct during the elections.
    Describing Bio’s victory as a demonstration of his people’s trust in his abilities, Jonathan urged the new President to work for the benefit of all. The ex-President stated this on Thursday in a goodwill message to President Bio.
    The goodwill message read:-
    “I congratulate you on your election victory and convey my best wishes, as you assume responsibilities of the Office of the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.
    “Through you, I also congratulate the people of Sierra Leone for going through this phase of their political life, peacefully.
    “Your historic triumph at the polls is a clear demonstration of the trust Sierra Leoneans have placed in you and in your abilities to make their lives better and lift your great country to the next level.
    “I urge you to adopt the principle of ‘no victor, no vanquished’ and see your victory and Presidency as that of all Sierra Leoneans.
    “I pray that Almighty God will guide and protect you in this important assignment of leading your country to further greatness.”

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