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  • Breaking News

    Saturday 7 April 2018

    Actress Uche Jombo Warns Her Debtor Who Still Posts Designer Labels Online

    Someone is really playong with actress Uche Jombo’s intelligence by owing her money and still posting designer labels on instagram.
    The nollywood actress took to the same instagram to warn her debtor after sending several text to her without any response.
    Uche Jombo made it known to the person that it is a warning post and if no action is taken by the person in question, she would have no option than to call out his or her name on social network.
    She uploaded the photo above and captioned it:
    The face you make when you see that person who borrowed money from you and hasn’t paid back posting designer labels back to back on the gram
    Call him out or let him continue the fake life
    This is a warning POST.Do the needful or I shall use the gram to get my money. I WORK hard for it. P.s since you are not seeing my sms messages I’m SURE you will see this.

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